Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey 2012 English (by Frank-mel30)

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey 2012 torrent

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Seeds: 148 Leechers: 92

Language: English
Runtime: 169 min
Audio: 2.1 Stereo
Resolution: 1280x720
Frame Rate: 24 fps
Video Audio Bitrate: 256 kbps


Year: 2012
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Stars: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage
Director: Peter Jackson

Review: The best of the best. Pete has crafted a masterpiece. I should say at this point, I'm a new fan of LOTR movies after watching this film. My friends and family always told me that I had seen the previous three movies, and now I can not wait to sit down with a bowl of popcorn and a certificate large size and excellent performance in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey brought all my 5 senses. Maybe I could count on the Hobbit as a sixth sense. It was just that all good.First, 48fps was just beautifully sharp and clear to the eye. It was a touch of technological wonder that Jackson and it worked perfectly, allowing the viewer to feel as if he / she is spying on the picture frame Bilbo fireplace, pine or views of cliffs and down in Rivendell. This seems unlikely, but let's just say, I forgot that I was watching a movie and you can enjoy life, I mean.The performance was also fabulous, walk, angle shots, acting, script, and much more. Howard Shore score was so cute and sure to put a smile on your face. The entire film will put a smile on your face. The Hobbit will remind you that you can do great things, no matter how small.

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